Friday, November 28, 2008


I do not like standardized testing, I understand why schools use it, but I do not think it is the best way to assess students. I have always thought this way. This could be due to the fact that I test horribly. However, after this class I do not like them even more. I just do not see why colleges and high schools focus so much of their attention on the grades of these tests as oppose to the grades of the students' regular tests. They do know that standardized tests make students nervous don't they? I always thought it was funny that the education field has a standardized test, because of all the people in the world they should be the first to know that testing makes students nervous. They should also know on top of that it is not the only way to assess what a person knows or the most effective. These tests make no sense to me because in reality there is no way to prepare or study for them. So unless you are a great test taker, there is really know way, that you can do as well as you would do on more traditional test or less traditional form of assessment. I feel that there should be an alternative to a standardized testing for students who not test well.

1 comment:

Kristina said...

Hi Anni!
I understand your feelings on standardized tests, since I have a similar standpoint. I believe our experiences of the past affect how we view things today. But, as future teachers, we just have to make sure our beliefs do not get in the way of teaching effectively and unbiasedly. Especially with standardized testing, we should try to relieve students' pressures, instead of adding onto them. Also, we should try to encourage our students to just try their best and let them know as long as they do that, we will be proud of them no matter what. =)