Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I was never to familiar with he topic of rubrics until this class. I have made them before, but to me they were just a waste of time. Tests and Measurements has helped me to realize that rubrics are important and are very useful when it comes to assessment. The problem before this was that I was never really taught how to make a rubric and because of that they seemed impossible. Thanks to Dr. Luongo and to http://rubistart.4teachers.org rubrics have been an easy thing to put into a lesson plan. Rubrics are important for things that you cannot really grade in a formal matter. It does not matter what type of assessment you are using because a rubric can be used for just about everything. I like the idea of rubric from both a teacher's point of view and a student's point of view. I like it for the teacher because they know exactly how to grade each student's paper. I like it from the students point of view because if the students get the rubric ahead of time or if the parents get the rubric ahead of time they know exactly what they need to do for a project/paper. I think that this is important because if there are more than one part to a project or paper and they are all worth a different amount of points a rubric will help a student know where to put more emphasis, hard work, and time into a paper. Instead of thinking that because there are five parts top the paper or project each part is worth twenty points because 5x20= 100. I could see how some people think that a concrete rubric will not work for them, because in most cases they already have one in their minds as to what exactly each section is worth, and for someone like that a rubric may be a waste of time. I love rubrics and will definitely be using them when I become a teacher.

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